Site traffic widget on html5 canvas


    • Build a graph based on data array;
    • Build a graph based on Yandex.Metrica counter;
    • Partial or complete customization;
    • Graph built using Html5 canvas;




    Method Parameters Description
    $informer(canvasID, [options])
    • canvasID (string) – ID of canvas element on the page;
    • options (object) (optional) – module settings;
    Initializes the module;
    Return value: module instance;
    .showStat(graph_type, data, [style])
    • graph_type (string) – type of output graph;
    • data (object) – data to graph (visitors, page views, the current date);
    • style (object) (optional) – styling settings;
    Build the desired graph from an array of data and styling settings;
    .showYandexStat(graph_type, counter_id, [style])
    • graph_type (string) – type of output graph;
    • counter (string) – Yandex.Metrica counter number;
    • style (object) (optional) – styling settings;

    Build the desired graph from an array of data provided Yandex.Metrica analytics tool.

    • Should be have installed the counter code;
    • Should be activated "informer" option;
    • Should be activated "Show informer information" option on the Access tab;
    • Requests should be made from the same domain for which a counter set.
    .redraw() - Redrawing graphs on canvas.

    Module settings

    $informer(canvasID, options)

    Parameter Type Default value Description
    font string '10px Sans-Serif' Used font.
    fontColor '#97A9B2' Font color.
    hintBg color '#A3B3BB' Background color of the hint.
    hintTextColor color '#fff' Hint font color.
    hintScale int (%) 120 Scale area around the element that triggers the tooltip.
    showCaption bool false Show your caption to the graph.
    caption string '' Caption text.
    showGrid bool false Show grid.
    showDayOfWeek bool true Show weekdays.
    weekDays Array ['su', 'mo', 'tu', 'we', 'th', 'fr', 'sa'] An array of weekdays.
    showDaysOfMonth bool false Show days of the month.

    var stat1 = $informer('informerID', {font: 'bold 10px Arial', fontColor: '#f00'});

    Show statistics graph

    .showStat(graph_type, data, [style])

    .showYandexStat(graph_type, counter_id, [style])


    Parameter Type Description
    graph_type string Graph type. Available chart types:
    • 'CirclesGraph' – circle connected by lines;

    You can use one of the available types of graphics or create your (manual). Each type of graph its own set of styles.

    data object

    Data on the number of visitors and page views:

    data = {pageviews: Array, uniques: Array, current_date: Date}

    You also can open public access to statistics and use of Yandex.Metrica API to obtain site visits data.

    counter_id string

    Yandex.Metrica counter number.

    Makes a request for data on page views statistics at Yandex server, then formed a set of data on pageview and call showStat(..).


    • Should be have installed the counter code;
    • Should be activated "informer" option;
    • Should be activated "Show informer information" option on the Access tab;
    • Requests should be made from the same domain for which a counter set.
    style object

    For each type of graph designed its own set of styling.

    Styling for 'CirclesGraph':

    • lineWidth - (0.5) line width;
    • lineColor - ('#A3B3BB') line color;
    • circleRadius - (4) circle radius;
    • circleBg - ('#F5F5F5') circle fill color;
    • circleBorderColor - ('#97A9B2') circle stroke color;
    • circleBorderWidth - (0.5) circle stroke width;
    • paintWeekends - (true) special color for the weekend;
    • weekendBg - ('#DF907C') color of weekend circles.

    Styling for 'BezierGraph':

    • lineWidth - (0.5) line width;
    • uLineColor - ('#d01b26') line color for "Uniques";
    • pvLineColor - ('#006a9f') line color for "Page views";
    • circleRadius - (3) circle radius;
    • circleBg - ('#F5F5F5') circle fill color;
    • circleBorderWidth - (0.5) circle stroke width;
    • paintWeekends - (true) special color for the weekend;
    • weekendBg - ('#5EA2C5') color of weekend circles.

    Examples: Display settings

    License: GNU GPL

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